
3D Animation
Year made: 2022
Programs: Blender & TV Paint

Using audio sourced from the movie: "Good Morning Vietnam," I created a complete narrative in Blender. The animation was centered around the genre: disaster world, and focused itself mostly on showing subtext through body language.

In the animation you can see a weather forecaster and his camera man witnessing to their surprise an erupting volcano.

A lot of research had to be done to make this animation a possibility. Below in the gallery you can see a bit of the progress. I did research into the genre “Disaster Movies”, looked up famous tropes and even made a few illustrations regarding the topic.

I also did research into my main character, who is he? What does he want? Is he happy with being a weather forecaster or does he hate his job? Etc. Eventually I went on to make a moving storyboard which led to me making recordings of myself to use as a visual reference.

In the end I created a 3D background based on research I had done about volcano’s. The shaking of the camera, the bored body language of the weather forecaster all added to making this animation work and giving it a subtext.
